hopefully you all got to read through part one! now we're on to part two...the rescue!
The Rescue
On April 25, 2009 100 cities across the globe united for a common purpose. In Salt Lake, we gathered at President's Circle at the U of U, and marched to the Gallivan Center. We had do go in a single file line while holding onto a white rope. The had us bring 3 pictures of us and friends/family (at the beginning, we pinned one of our pictures to a huge bulletin board, symbolically leaving our family behind- the other two went in letters), stuff to set up camp and stay the night, and supplies to write letters, and whatever else we wanted. I had a couple camera's a hoodie, stuff like that. We all wore the special Rescue shirt. Looks like this:
There were so many people there! I think the final count was around 1,500 despite being cold and rainy. We stood at the top of President's circle while everyone got situated. They put us in group of about 30 to hold on to a rope. Then they tied all the ropes together to make one. We walked...and walked...and waked... There was chanting, singing, and bonding with strangers. Once we got there, they had music, stickers, and everyone was setting up camp on the Gallivan Center lawns. I unfortunately had to go to Park City to play a show with School of Rock, so I had to leave early, play, and come back. When I got back, we had officially been rescued by Rocky Anderson! Here's the video of his speech.
I hung out with everyone and wrote letters to authority figures in Utah. Mother wouldn't let me stay the night, understandably. "Spending the night in the Camp is a unique experience. For one night, you will forfeit the comforts of
home and sleep in solidarity with the thousands of kids who have been abducted during this war. Your
commitment to stay overnight shows the sacrifice that you are willing to make. This sacrifice will speak
to our leaders." --taken from the information packet. It was an amazing experience, and I am so glad I was able to participate. I feel like this event made a big difference on what's going on in Uganda. I know it definitely opens people minds, and people still ask about my shirt. I love spreading the word about this because it makes people so much more knowledgeable about what's going on in the world.
Here's a really great video from Chicago.
And here's the Anthem of the rescue.
ONE more. Only because it's Pete.. ;)
Here's a few pictures from the Salt Lake Rescue::
(oh ps: jeff, pretty sure you're in this picture)
new york:
the end! i hope you all learned a lot, and got more of an idea of why i LOVE this organization.
here's some websites for you to check out.
and as usual, wikipedia and all that jazz.
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